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Updated 05 April 2011, 18:27 by PremekBrada

ComponentizedPlatform.ProgramAlpha History

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05 April 2011, 18:27 by PremekBrada -
05 April 2011, 18:09 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 27-28 from:
* [[info a výsledky na webu TAČR -> http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/prvni-verejna-soutez-id:93/]]
* [[info a výsledky na webu TAČR -> http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/prvni-verejna-soutez-id:93/]] včetně [[statistik přijatých projektů -> http://www.tacr.cz/dokums_raw/vyhodnoceni_programu_alfa_1.pdf]]
05 April 2011, 17:53 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 27-28 from:
* [[info a výsledky na webu TAČR -> http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/prvni-verejna-soutez-id:93/]]
11 March 2011, 08:58 by Kamil Jezek -
Added lines 20-22:
!! Alfa 2011
* vyhlášení bude v průběhu *května*, termín podání cca 2 měsíce, tedy cca *červen, červenec* - informace získaná telefonicky z TAČR, přesné datum ještě není známo.
25 February 2011, 10:04 by Kamil Jezek -
Changed lines 18-19 from:
Detailní informace: [[http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/prvni-verejna-soutez-id:93/]]
PDF informace + osnova projektu 2010 [[http://www.tacr.cz/dokums_raw/zadavaci_dokumentace_program_alfa_5.pdf]]
Detailní informace: [[http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/prvni-verejna-soutez-id:93/]] \\
PDF informace + osnova projektu 2010 [[http://www.tacr.cz/dokums_raw/zadavaci_dokumentace_program_alfa_5.pdf]] \\
25 February 2011, 10:04 by Kamil Jezek -
Changed lines 19-20 from:
PDF informace + osnova projektu 2010 [[http://www.tacr.cz/dokums_raw/zadavaci_dokumentace_program_alfa_5.pdf]]
PDF informace + osnova projektu 2010 [[http://www.tacr.cz/dokums_raw/zadavaci_dokumentace_program_alfa_5.pdf]]
PDF příručka uchazeče: [[http://www.tacr.cz/dokums_raw/prirucka_pro_uchazece_20_4_1.pdf]]
25 February 2011, 09:48 by Kamil Jezek -
Added line 1:
!Program Alpha
Changed lines 7-9 from:
* A non-public sector must co-finance *20%* - a maximal finance from the grant is 80%. (a research organization alone may get *100%*, non-public organisation may get *70%*)

* Each project may get 80%. Distribution of the grant between both side does not mater but public sector must get at least 10%. Public sector may cover its expenditures with 100% of money from grant.

Added lines 12-19:

!! Alfa 2010 - informace z loňského vyhlášení
* veřejná soutěž vyhlášena 24. Března 2010
* termín podání soutěžních návrhů byl *od 25. března 2010 do 24. května 2010 do 16:30 hod*
* Kontaktní osobou je Ing. Lucie Chroustová, tel.: 271 019 549, e-mail: chroustova@tacr.cz

Detailní informace: [[http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/prvni-verejna-soutez-id:93/]]
PDF informace + osnova projektu 2010 [[http://www.tacr.cz/dokums_raw/zadavaci_dokumentace_program_alfa_5.pdf]]
25 February 2011, 08:37 by Kamil Jezek -
Changed lines 6-9 from:
* A non-public sector must co-finance *20%* - a maximal finance from the grant is 80%, but may be lower. (a research organization alone may get *100%*)

Detailed information: [[http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/]]
* A non-public sector must co-finance *20%* - a maximal finance from the grant is 80%. (a research organization alone may get *100%*, non-public organisation may get *70%*)

Detailed information: [[http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/]] \\
25 February 2011, 08:36 by Kamil Jezek -
Added lines 7-10:

Detailed information: [[http://www.tacr.cz/programy-ta-cr/program-alfa/]]
PDF: [[http://www.tacr.cz/dokums_raw/program_na_podporu_aplikovaneho_vyzkumu_a_experimentalniho_vyvoje_1.pdf]]
25 February 2011, 08:32 by Kamil Jezek -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
* maximal estimated amount of money - 10mil CZK per project, estimated number of projects - 750, estimated number of project concerning cooperation of public and non-public organizations - 490.
* maximal estimated amount of money - 10mil CZK per project, estimated number of projects - 750, estimated number of project concerning cooperation of public and non-public organizations - 490.
* A non-public sector must co-finance *20%* - a maximal finance from the grant is 80%, but may be lower. (a research organization alone may get *100%*)
25 February 2011, 08:30 by Kamil Jezek -
Deleted line 3:
* outcome of the project may be *software*
Deleted line 4:
* expenditures may be: salary of employees, equipment (material and immaterial).
25 February 2011, 08:30 by Kamil Jezek -
Deleted line 2:
* A non-public sector must co-finance *20%* - a maximal finance from the grant is 80%, but may be lower. (a research organization alone may get *100%*)
25 February 2011, 08:03 by Kamil Jezek -
Changed lines 2-3 from:
* Duration of the whole programme is from 2010 to 2016, each applicant may ask for the grant from 24 to 72 months
* A non-public sector must co-finance 20% - a maximal finance from the grant is 80%, but may be lower. (a research organization alone may get 100%)
* Duration of the whole programme is from 2010 to 2016, each applicant may ask for the grant from *24 to 72 months*
* A non-public sector must co-finance *20%* - a maximal finance from the grant is 80%, but may be lower. (a research organization alone may get *100%*)
Changed line 5 from:
* outcome of the project may be software
* outcome of the project may be *software*
25 February 2011, 08:00 by Kamil Jezek - initial alphra program webpage
Added lines 1-8:
* First anounced 2010 - spring 2011 will be another call for applications (exact date is not known yet)
* Duration of the whole programme is from 2010 to 2016, each applicant may ask for the grant from 24 to 72 months
* A non-public sector must co-finance 20% - a maximal finance from the grant is 80%, but may be lower. (a research organization alone may get 100%)
* projects being solved in cooperation with public and non-public sector will be prioritized
* outcome of the project may be software
* a public sector must participate at least 10% of the expenditure of the project ("náklady projektu")
* expenditures may be: salary of employees, equipment (material and immaterial).
* maximal estimated amount of money - 10mil CZK per project, estimated number of projects - 750, estimated number of project concerning cooperation of public and non-public organizations - 490.