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Site / NotifyList

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Updated 09 February 2007, 15:44 by PremekBrada

Site.NotifyList History

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09 February 2007, 15:44 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 1-12:
  1. Syntax, from http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Notify
  2. send notifications about the Main group to alice@example.com
  3. notify=alice@example.com group=Main
  4. notify bob@example.com of any changes to the home page
  5. notify=bob@example.com name=Main.HomePage
  6. notify charles@example.com of changes to pages except in Main
  7. notify=charles@example.com group=-Main

notify=brada@kiv.zcu.cz name=CourseWare.PripominkyZkusenostiVyucujicich