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PremekBrada / OverviewOfBDD

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Updated 10 December 2012, 14:54 by PremekBrada

Overview of Behaviour Driven Development

The BDD is a requirements/testing specification approach (rather than a development methodology, as it's originator Dan North sells it). But it's a cool one.

Interrelated confluent SourcesOfBDD?

  • reqts spec means - use case scenario template (with pre-/post-conditions), user stories (with tests on the flip side of the card)
  • test-driven development and xUnit frameworks automation
  • acceptance test driven development
  • DSLs? and self-documenting code (remember Knuth)

I see the Gherkin syntax as a culmination of these, see ExamplesOfBDD. Which of the ToolsForBDD use it?

Tips and hints

JBehaveInEclipse howto, based on my experiments

Tutorials: there aren't many, it seems



Interesting slides