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PremekBrada / FlysprayEnhancements

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Updated 24 May 2011, 15:56 by PremekBrada

PremekBrada.FlysprayEnhancements History

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24 May 2011, 15:56 by PremekBrada -
Added line 4:
* [admintrivia] sync the [[assembla implementation -> https://www.assembla.com/code/flyspray_dev10-zcu/subversion/nodes]] with [latest on github master -> https://github.com/canneverbe/flyspray]]
24 May 2011, 15:52 by PremekBrada -
Deleted lines 2-3:
[3/3/2010] OK, some of the things are in 1.0.0.dev, reprioritized list is:
Changed line 5 from:
* "native" effort tracking
* native effort tracking
Changed line 11 from:
* "native" effort tracking
* native effort tracking
24 May 2011, 15:42 by PremekBrada -
Deleted lines 6-9:

* visual diff for Subversion commit - link to rev#123 shows list of affected files + their diffs (like Assembla or Redmine does)
* Flyspray -> wiki integration (have @@[=[[WikiSpace/PageName]]=]@@ syntax link to given page off a per-project base URL)
Added lines 11-13:

* "native" effort tracking
Added lines 18-19:
* visual diff for Subversion commit - link to rev#123 shows list of affected files + their diffs (like Assembla or Redmine does)
* Flyspray -> wiki integration (have @@[=[[WikiSpace/PageName]]=]@@ syntax link to given page off a per-project base URL)
24 May 2011, 15:41 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 11 from:
* "native" effort tracking incl. ideally (=NTH) automatic summing for "all in current task list", "depends on" and "due in version" (+ burndown chart in this case)
* "native" effort tracking
Added lines 13-17:
** automatic summing for "all in current task list"
** in Roadmap, show "thermometer" for effort spent on closed tasks vs total effort planned for the given Version
** NTH: summing for "depends on"
** NTH: for Due in Versoin, percentage + count of tasks that have no effort estimate
** burndown chart for Due in version
24 May 2011, 15:32 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 12 from:
** fields: original estimate (write once), current estimate (overwrite-able), time spent -- all in hours
** fields: original estimate (write once), current estimate (overwrite-able), time spent -- all in hours, all edits logged in task history
20 October 2010, 10:51 by PremekBrada -
Deleted lines 9-12:
* {-API-}
* Subversion -> Flyspray integration (API or simple one-purpose .php script call on commit hook, @@close FS#123@@ and similar syntax in svn commit message adds a comment to the given task with the commit message plus link to changeset; even better would be to enforce task changes)
** syntax see http://code.assembla.com/cosi/subversion/repo/instructions
** Assembla webhook suffices for now, repo scripts can be added anytime later
Changed lines 13-14 from:
** add "number" as custom field type
** for all team members: table "how many hrs / week I can allocate for this project" => total weekly time budget, needed for burndown
** NTH: for all team members: table "how many hrs / week I can allocate for this project" => total weekly time budget, needed for burndown
Changed line 15 from:
** burndown chart: Version has start and delivery date, "Due in version" groups tasks for its milestone/iteration, team's weekly budget gives total time available for the version, task estimates eat from this budget => burndown
** burndown chart as part of Roadmap page: Version has start and delivery date, "Due in version" groups tasks for its milestone/iteration, NTH: team's weekly budget gives total time available for the version, task estimates eat from this budget => burndown
Changed lines 41-45 from:
* {-API-}
* Subversion -> Flyspray integration (API or simple one-purpose .php script call on commit hook, @@close FS#123@@ and similar syntax in svn commit message adds a comment to the given task with the commit message plus link to changeset; even better would be to enforce task changes)
** syntax see http://code.assembla.com/cosi/subversion/repo/instructions
** Assembla webhook suffices for now, repo scripts can be added anytime later
20 October 2010, 10:47 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 6-15 from:
* {+improve+} mass edit task data (from tasklist / search results page)
** in "all projects" task list, only global fields are editable
** in single project list, all task fields are editable
** the task detail page should have input field on "This task blocks these from closing" to add dependencies directly, same way as "Depends on"
* {-custom fields (like Assembla, including treating most of the predefined as custom ie ability to disable)-}
** they are implemented in 1.0.0.dev on flyspray.org, let's check that first
** what should we have: add own field(s) including basic type (number/text/...), add custom field to task list, search/filter uses custom fields; nice to haves: disable std field(s)
* {+check on Assembla, other SVN repositories+} Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to [[ViewVC -> http://viewvc.tigris.org/]] page of the given changeset, per project)
** better: project config = URL of svn/... web access with placeholders for project name and revision number
* the task detail page should have input field on "This task blocks these from closing" to add dependencies directly, same way as "Depends on"
Added line 9:
* visual diff for Subversion commit - link to rev#123 shows list of affected files + their diffs (like Assembla or Redmine does)
Added lines 35-46:
!! Done

* {+improve+} mass edit task data (from tasklist / search results page)
** in "all projects" task list, only global fields are editable
** in single project list, all task fields are editable
* {-custom fields (like Assembla, including treating most of the predefined as custom ie ability to disable)-}
** they are implemented in 1.0.0.dev on flyspray.org, let's check that first
** what should we have: add own field(s) including basic type (number/text/...), add custom field to task list, search/filter uses custom fields; nice to haves: disable std field(s)
* {+check on Assembla, other SVN repositories+} Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to [[ViewVC -> http://viewvc.tigris.org/]] page of the given changeset, per project)
** better: project config = URL of svn/... web access with placeholders for project name and revision number

10 May 2010, 11:48 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 23-25 from:
** fields: original estimate, current estimate, time spent (all in hours), add "number" as custom field type
** fields: original estimate (write once), current estimate (overwrite-able), time spent -- all in hours
** add "number" as custom field type
** for all team members: table "how many hrs / week I can allocate for this project" => total weekly time budget, needed for burndown
Added line 27:
** burndown chart: Version has start and delivery date, "Due in version" groups tasks for its milestone/iteration, team's weekly budget gives total time available for the version, task estimates eat from this budget => burndown
12 April 2010, 22:07 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 31-33 from:
* default sort order for task list, per project / user
* usability of task list
** default sort order for task list, per project / user
** strikethrough closed issues
Changed line 35 from:
* email issue and comment submission
* issue and comment submission via email
09 April 2010, 17:28 by PremekBrada -
Added line 9:
** the task detail page should have input field on "This task blocks these from closing" to add dependencies directly, same way as "Depends on"
09 April 2010, 17:08 by PremekBrada -
Added line 19:
** Assembla webhook suffices for now, repo scripts can be added anytime later
04 March 2010, 10:32 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 33-36 from:
* "copy issue id and summary to clipboard" => use via "paste" eg in @@svn -m@@ log message
* "copy issue id and summary to clipboard" => use via "paste" eg in @@svn -m@@ log message

Some notes by the developer: http://www.evernote.com/pub/jendarybak/flyspray
04 March 2010, 10:31 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 3-4:
[3/3/2010] OK, some of the things are in 1.0.0.dev, reprioritized list is:
Changed line 6 from:
* mass edit task data (from tasklist / search results page)
* {+improve+} mass edit task data (from tasklist / search results page)
Changed line 9 from:
* custom fields (like Assembla, including treating most of the predefined as custom ie ability to disable)
* {-custom fields (like Assembla, including treating most of the predefined as custom ie ability to disable)-}
Changed line 12 from:
* Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to [[ViewVC -> http://viewvc.tigris.org/]] page of the given changeset, per project)
* {+check on Assembla, other SVN repositories+} Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to [[ViewVC -> http://viewvc.tigris.org/]] page of the given changeset, per project)
Changed line 16 from:
* {-API-}
Added line 19:
* Flyspray -> wiki integration (have @@[=[[WikiSpace/PageName]]=]@@ syntax link to given page off a per-project base URL)
Changed lines 21-22 from:
** fields: original estimate, current estimate, time spent (all in hours)
* Flyspray -> wiki integration (have @@[=[[WikiSpace/PageName]]=]@@ syntax link to given page off a per-project base URL)
** fields: original estimate, current estimate, time spent (all in hours), add "number" as custom field type
26 February 2010, 10:19 by PremekBrada -
Added line 9:
** what should we have: add own field(s) including basic type (number/text/...), add custom field to task list, search/filter uses custom fields; nice to haves: disable std field(s)
26 February 2010, 10:15 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 8 from:
** they may be implemented in the latest stable on flyspray.org, should check that first
** they are implemented in 1.0.0.dev on flyspray.org, let's check that first
04 February 2010, 11:15 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 9-10 from:
* Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to repo or websvn page of the given changeset, per project)
* Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to [[ViewVC -> http://viewvc.tigris.org/]] page of the given changeset, per project)
** better: project config = URL of svn/... web access with placeholders for project name and revision number
04 February 2010, 11:08 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 5-6:
** in "all projects" task list, only global fields are editable
** in single project list, all task fields are editable
Added line 8:
** they may be implemented in the latest stable on flyspray.org, should check that first
15 December 2009, 10:33 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 17-18 from:
* [[Mylyn connector -> http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Mylyn_Extensions]]
03 December 2009, 11:41 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 10 from:
* Subversion -> Flyspray integration (API call on commit hook, @@close FS#123@@ and similar syntax in svn commit message adds a comment to the given task with the commit message; even better would be to enforce task changes)
* Subversion -> Flyspray integration (API or simple one-purpose .php script call on commit hook, @@close FS#123@@ and similar syntax in svn commit message adds a comment to the given task with the commit message plus link to changeset; even better would be to enforce task changes)
Changed lines 12-13 from:
* "native" effort tracking incl. automatic summing for "all in current task list", "depends on" and "due in version" (+ burndown chart in this case)
* "native" effort tracking incl. ideally (=NTH) automatic summing for "all in current task list", "depends on" and "due in version" (+ burndown chart in this case)
** fields: original estimate, current estimate, time spent (all in hours)
Changed line 18 from:
Nice to have
Nice to have (NTH)
03 December 2009, 11:29 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 10 from:
* Subversion -> Flyspray integration (API call on commit hook, @@close FS#123@@ and similar syntax in svn comment to enforce task changes)
* Subversion -> Flyspray integration (API call on commit hook, @@close FS#123@@ and similar syntax in svn commit message adds a comment to the given task with the commit message; even better would be to enforce task changes)
03 December 2009, 11:27 by PremekBrada -
Added line 11:
** syntax see http://code.assembla.com/cosi/subversion/repo/instructions
03 December 2009, 11:25 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 6-7 from:
* Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to repo or websvn page, per project)
* Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to repo or websvn page of the given changeset, per project)
11 November 2009, 19:28 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 11 from:
* "native" effort tracking incl. automatic summing for "depends on" and "due in version" (+ burndown chart in this case)
* "native" effort tracking incl. automatic summing for "all in current task list", "depends on" and "due in version" (+ burndown chart in this case)
Changed lines 17-18 from:
* hyperlinked values in task list (version name -> all tasks due in that version, etc)
* usability of task edit (buttons on form top not bottom, screen positions of edit widgets as in view, if user has rights show task directly in edit mode?)
* hyperlinked values in task list and detail (version name -> all tasks due in that version, etc)
11 November 2009, 19:06 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 11 from:
* "native" effort tracking incl. automatic summing for "depends on", burndown chart
* "native" effort tracking incl. automatic summing for "depends on" and "due in version" (+ burndown chart in this case)
Added line 17:
* hyperlinked values in task list (version name -> all tasks due in that version, etc)
11 November 2009, 19:04 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 11 from:
* "native" effort tracking, burndown chart
* "native" effort tracking incl. automatic summing for "depends on", burndown chart
11 November 2009, 18:56 by PremekBrada -
Added line 3:
Added lines 7-8:

Changed line 11 from:
* effort tracking, burndown chart
* "native" effort tracking, burndown chart
Deleted line 13:
* default sort order for task list, per project / user
Added lines 15-18:

Nice to have
* default sort order for task list, per project / user
* simplified user interface + access rights to use for helpdesk / support / client issue reporting and tracking
Deleted line 19:
* simplified user interface + access rights to use for helpdesk / support / client issue reporting and tracking
11 November 2009, 18:55 by PremekBrada -
Added line 12:
* saved task list views - view defines columns, sort order
11 November 2009, 18:23 by PremekBrada -
Added line 11:
* default sort order for task list, per project / user
Changed lines 13-15 from:
* twitter etc integration (add Twitter as task change announcement channel)
* simplified user interface + access rights to use for helpdesk / support / client issue reporting and tracking
* twitter etc integration (add Twitter as task change announcement channel)
* "copy issue id and summary to clipboard" => use via "paste" eg in @@svn -m@@ log message
10 October 2009, 21:22 by PremekBrada -
Added line 9:
* Flyspray -> wiki integration (have @@[=[[WikiSpace/PageName]]=]@@ syntax link to given page off a per-project base URL)
10 October 2009, 21:16 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 1-11:
Flyspray, as easy and powerful as it is, sort of does not fly anymore - the development has been stalled for the last couple of years. So, here is a list of my favourite stuff to improve upon. Roughly decreasing importance:

* mass edit task data (from tasklist / search results page)
* custom fields (like Assembla, including treating most of the predefined as custom ie ability to disable)
* Flyspray -> subversion (+ mercurial, git) integration (have @@rev#123@@ turned into hyperlink to repo or websvn page, per project)
* Subversion -> Flyspray integration (API call on commit hook, @@close FS#123@@ and similar syntax in svn comment to enforce task changes)
* effort tracking, burndown chart
* more/detailed/customizable statistics and reports (TBD needs elaboration)
* email issue and comment submission
* twitter etc integration (add Twitter as task change announcement channel)