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Guica / UpdateInstall

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Updated 26 June 2012, 02:19 by PremekBrada

Install tab allows user to install bundles directly from a local or remote repository.

To install a bundle:

  1. Click on install tab.
  2. Click on Repository button to enter repository manager.
  3. In repository manager click Add.
  4. Choose name for repository and then
    • enter url of remote repository or
    • click on Local and choose directory in local filesystem.
  5. Click OK and review changes in repository manager.
  6. Use button enable/disable on desired repositories to select which repository will be used for bundles installation.
  7. Click OK and see the listing of bundles.
  8. Select bundle or bundles (hold Ctrl) to install. Note: Checkboxes are prepared for future functionality and do not work.
  9. Press install.

Some repos to try: