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Updated 03 October 2017, 16:28 by PremekBrada

GUICA (Graphical User Interface for Component Administration)

Screenshot of GUICA

What it Does

Guica is a tool which makes it easy to manage components in a running OSGi framework, effectively replacing (most of) the command line interface. It provides an intuitive GUI and is framework independent.

How to run Guica

Prerequisites: Java 6 and a OSGi framework installation (tested with Felix 2.0, 3.0, 4.2 and Equinox, works with Java 8). For build, maven is needed.

Running from a distribution: Guica is distributed as a set of bundles (it has no external dependencies except for OSGi system bundle, Swing and XML libraries). Run the framework, install the Guica bundles and start them in a the following order: (1) support, (2) three *StateProvider? bundles, (3) gui.

Running from sources: Checkout / pull the desired branch, and from project's root directory, run `mvn clean; mvn install pax:run` on command line.

Using Guica is highly intuitive. The main panel shows all bundles/packages/services installed in the framework, icons left of bundle names indicate bundle status. Clicking on bundle name shows its manifest headers in the Properties panel, opening its tree node shows exported/imported features. The toolbar on the top can be used to manage bundle lifecycle (start, stop, update, uninstall) and to FilterItemsShown. The UpdateInstall tab currently support bundle installation from local and remote repositories.

Guica can be pointed to a local directory acting as bundle repository, using File > Change repository... - the bundles available are displayed in the Repository panel, and can be installed via the "+" toolbar item into the framework.


The release of Guica 1.2 is available from https://www.assembla.com/spaces/guica/documents/tag/release. For all inquiries, please contact Premek Brada <brada@kiv.zcu.cz> .

The Guica tool is Copyright © 2010 University of West Bohemia, distributed under the Apache License. Authors: Stepan Cais, Tomas Kabicek, Josef Vyskocil, Jan Zaruba; with input from Premek Brada.


Popis programu

Program Guica je software pro usnadnění práce s komponentami v technologii OSGi. Je náhradou za systém příkazového řádku. Program poskytuje jednoduché ovládání, díky kterému uživatel intuitivně pracuje s komponentami. Software je nezávislý na implementaci OSGi a díky tomu není uživatel závislý na určitém aplikačním prostředí.

Podrobné informace o práci s Guica obsahuje uživatelský manuál, základní instrukce ke spuštění jsou popsány díky studentům ASWI projektu.
