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EclipsePlugins / KeyResources

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Updated 08 November 2007, 13:01 by PremekBrada

EclipsePlugins.KeyResources History

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08 November 2007, 13:01 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 51-52:
* [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Update/keeping-up-to-date.html -> How feature update works]]
28 May 2007, 12:00 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 28-29 from:
!!! Timing, project plans
!!! Timing, project plans and management
Changed lines 31-33 from:

* [[Bugzilla -> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/]]

28 May 2007, 11:36 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 22-23 from:
* [[Eclipse roadmap -> http://www.eclipse.org/org/councils/roadmap_v3_0/index.php]]
Changed lines 28-29 from:

!!! Timing, project plans

* [[Eclipse roadmap -> http://www.eclipse.org/org/councils/roadmap_v3_0/index.php]] and [[2007 plan -> http://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/development/freeze_plan_3.3.html]]

28 May 2007, 11:34 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 18-19 from:
!! [[http://www.eclipse.org/ | Eclipse]] architecture and Equinox in general
!! [[http://www.eclipse.org/ | Eclipse]] architecture and project
Changed lines 30-31 from:
!!! Plugins

!! Plugins
28 May 2007, 11:34 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 16-17:

Changed lines 22-23 from:
* [[Eclipse roadmap -> http://www.eclipse.org/org/councils/roadmap_v3_0/index.php]]
28 May 2007, 11:18 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 1-46:
!! OSGi framework and bundles

!!! In general

* [[http://www.osgi.org/ | OSGi Alliance]]
* [[http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/~lvalenta/bc/materialy/ | R4 specification]]
* [[http://www.knopflerfish.org/osgi_service_tutorial.html | OSGi Services Tutorial]]

!!! Architecture implementations

* [[http://www.knopflerfish.org/ | Knopflerfish]] - Good for learning OSGi (GUI)
* [[http://oscar.objectweb.org/ | Oscar ]]
* [[http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/ | Equinox]] - probably our 'target' environment
* Apache Felix

!! [[http://www.eclipse.org/ | Eclipse]] architecture and Equinox in general

* [[http://www.eclipse.org/resources/?sort=type | Eclipse resources]] by type
* [[http://help.eclipse.org/help32/index.jsp | Eclipse 3.2 Documentation]] - on [[http://www.eclipse.org/documentation/|this page]] there are PDF versions too but for Eclipse 3.1 only (so a bit obsolete)

* [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Whitepaper-Platform-3.1/eclipse-platform-whitepaper.html | Eclipse Platform Technical Overview]] [[Attach:Eclipse Platform Technical Overview.pdf | PDF]] - for E3.1
* [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-UI-Workbench/workbench.html | Inside the Workbench - A guide to the workbench internals]] [[Attach:Inside the Workbench - A guide to the workbench internals.pdf | PDF]]

* [[http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Rich_Client_Platform]] -- resources about writing applications on top of the Eclipse platform, including plugins

!!! Plugins

* [[http://www.eclipse.org/newsgroups/|Fulltext search in Eclipse newsgroups]]
* [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/|Eclipse Corner Articles]]
* [[http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/The_Official_Eclipse_FAQs|The Official Eclipse FAQs]]
* [[http://www.eclipse.org/swt/|Eclipse SWT homepage]]
* [[http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/SWT-JFace-Eclipse/CatalogSWT-JFace-Eclipse.htm|SWT x JFace examples]]

* [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Plug-in-architecture/plugin_architecture.html | Notes on the Eclipse Plug-in Architecture]] [[Attach:Notes on the Eclipse Plug-in Architecture.pdf | PDF]]
* [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-PDE-does-plugins/PDE-intro.html | PDE Does Plug-ins]] [[Attach:PDE Does Plug-ins.pdf | PDF]]
* [[http://users.drew.edu/bburd/Eclipse/CreatingAnEclipsePlugin.html|Creating a Plugin]] (old article)
* [[http://devresource.hp.com/drc/technical_articles/ePlugIn/index.jsp|Creating Eclipse plug-ins]]
* [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/viewArticle/ViewArticle2.html|Creating an Eclipse View]]
* [[http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2005/02/09/eclipse.html|Eclipse Plugins Exposed]]

* [[http://ftp.sh.cvut.cz/MIRRORS/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.2-200606291905/eclipse-examples-3.2-win32.zip|Some example plug-ins for Eclipse 3.2]] (3.7 MB)

!! Miscellanea

* [[http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-BuildingProjectFacets/tutorial.html | Building Project Facets]] [[Attach:Building Project Facets.pdf | PDF]]