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Updated 12 July 2005, 12:54 by PremekBrada

PremekBrada.MantisUsabilityReview History

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14 June 2005, 10:21 by PremekBrada -
Added line 15:
* [v19 ++] *slow page generation* The performance of this Mantis version is really sluggish, making it hard to use even on decent hardware. For a reference, here are saved pages with queries executed taken from our server: [[Attach:mantis-19-queries-firsttime.zip when viewing for the first time]] and [[Attach:mantis-19-queries-loggedin.zip after logging in]].
14 June 2005, 10:17 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 28-29 from:
** Suggestion: order items as follows: [ ], ID, Category, Priority, Severity, Summary, #, Status, [Update]. I'd suggest dropping the Updated column (Status is more important), and use "Pri" as Priority column heading ("P" is unclear). ** BTW, dropping Updated should also speed up the page generation, esp. on long bug lists, since obtaining that date needs to be done on every single bug report separately, resulting in as many queries as are the bugs listed. See [[Attach:mantis-19-queries-loggedin.zip pages with queries]] (a ZIP file).
** Suggestion: order items as follows: [ ], ID, Category, Priority, Severity, Summary, #, Status, [Update]. I'd suggest dropping the Updated column (Status is more important), and use "Pri" as Priority column heading ("P" is unclear).
** BTW, dropping Updated should also speed up the page generation, esp. on long bug lists, since obtaining that date needs to be done on every single bug report separately, resulting in as many queries as are the bugs listed. See [[Attach:mantis-19-queries-loggedin.zip pages with queries]] (a ZIP file).
14 June 2005, 10:17 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 5 from:
Done on versions 0.18.2 (tweaked, installed on http://jumbo.fav.zcu.cz/mantis/) and 0.19.2 (on http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/services/bugs/). The version of Mantis to which a problem applies, is indicated as [v18], [v19] or [all]; perceived severity of the problem is indicated by + to +++ tag.
Done on versions 0.18.2 (tweaked, installed on https://jumbo.fav.zcu.cz/mantis/) and 0.19.2 (on http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/services/bugs/). The version of Mantis to which a problem applies, is indicated as [v18], [v19] or [all]; perceived severity of the problem is indicated by + to +++ tag.
Changed line 28 from:
** Suggestion: order items as follows: [ ], ID, Category, Priority, Severity, Summary, #, Status, [Update]. I'd suggest dropping the Updated column (Status is more important), and use "Pri" as Priority column heading ("P" is unclear). (BTW, dropping Updated should also speed up the page generation, esp. on long bug lists, since obtaining that date needs to be done on every single bug report separately, resulting in as many queries as are the bugs listed.)
** Suggestion: order items as follows: [ ], ID, Category, Priority, Severity, Summary, #, Status, [Update]. I'd suggest dropping the Updated column (Status is more important), and use "Pri" as Priority column heading ("P" is unclear). ** BTW, dropping Updated should also speed up the page generation, esp. on long bug lists, since obtaining that date needs to be done on every single bug report separately, resulting in as many queries as are the bugs listed. See [[Attach:mantis-19-queries-loggedin.zip pages with queries]] (a ZIP file).
14 June 2005, 10:12 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 28 from:
** Suggestion: order items as follows: [ ], ID, Category, Priority, Severity, Summary, #, Status, [Update]. I'd suggest dropping the Updated column (Status is more important), and use "Pri" as Priority column heading ("P" is unclear).
** Suggestion: order items as follows: [ ], ID, Category, Priority, Severity, Summary, #, Status, [Update]. I'd suggest dropping the Updated column (Status is more important), and use "Pri" as Priority column heading ("P" is unclear). (BTW, dropping Updated should also speed up the page generation, esp. on long bug lists, since obtaining that date needs to be done on every single bug report separately, resulting in as many queries as are the bugs listed.)
13 June 2005, 18:29 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 14 from:
** Suggestion: subdue borders and link underlines where they are functional, remove where not (e.g. main menu, end-page parts of the View Bug page), use simple list-based design instead of tables in View Bug page details part.
** Suggestion: subdue borders and link underlines where they are functional, remove where not (e.g. main menu, end-page parts of the View Bug page), use simple list-based design instead of tables in View Bug page details part, use a palette of similar color hues.
Added line 23:
Summary: Flyspray has it right :)
Changed lines 27-29 from:
* [v19 +++] *bug list page overloaded*
* [v18 ++] *bug summary hard to find* The most important piece of information for a BT system is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") less important items like category and # of notes.
** Suggestion: order items as follows: TBD
* [v18 ++] *bug summary hard to find* The most important piece of information for a BT system is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") items like category and # of notes which are less important.
** Suggestion: order items as follows: [ ], ID, Category, Priority, Severity, Summary, #, Status, [Update]. I'd suggest dropping the Updated column (Status is more important), and use "Pri" as Priority column heading ("P" is unclear).
Changed line 34 from:
** Suggestion: set max-width for page, or better restructure bug list so that the problem does not matter
** Suggestion: set max-width for page, or better restructure bug list so that the problem does not occur
Added lines 43-44:
Summary: Flyspray has it right :)
Added lines 47-50:
* [all +++] *page top cluttered* The top part of issue simple details table (from ID down to Status/Product Version in 0.19) is tall, scattered, hard to scan for information. Especially the important Severity, Status, Assigned to, Summary and Description fields are hard to find.
** Suggestion: Put category, severity, priority, status, assigned to+last update together in a prominent place. Put reporter+date submitted, view status, etc. under these, subdued. Emphasize summary and description block. Look at Flyspray bug page design ;-)
* [all ++] *page bottom cluttered by boxes* Below the Update issue etc buttons, lines and boxes have turned loose.
** Suggestion: The Relationships and Monitoring users boxes don't actually need the borders, they can be formatted as simple list. The Upload file box should be merged with Attached files line. The Add note box should be merged with the Notes part. Look at Flyspray bug page design ;-)
Changed line 52 from:
** Solution: (1) reduce the simple view to basic facts on the bug report only (summary, description, status+priority, assigned to). (2) format it in a simple way, emphasizing summary and status.
** Suggestion: (1) reduce the simple view to basic facts on the bug report only (summary, description, status+priority, assigned to). (2) format it in a simple way, emphasizing summary and status.
Deleted lines 65-71:

h2. Place for reporting your findings

You may add your own findings WRT Mantis usability here. Just hit "Edit Page" at the complete bottom of this page, enter any username and the word _edit_ for password, and *please* write only below, not above this text. To save an edited text, you'll have to also write your name into the Author field just below page text editing area.

I'll add edited versions of these suggestions to the above list of problems.
13 June 2005, 18:05 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 52-53 from:
* [[Attach:mantis-18-summary.png version 0.18]]
* [[Attach:mantis-19-summary.png version 0.19]]
03 June 2005, 15:36 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 33-34:
* [v18 +] *page too wide* When the Categories names are long, the page width is unwieldy (see [[Attach:mantis-18-widepage.png snapshot]])
** Suggestion: set max-width for page, or better restructure bug list so that the problem does not matter
31 May 2005, 13:41 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 11 from:
* [all] *bug IDs hard to read* The leading zeroes in bug IDs should be stripped off, since they make the IDs hard to read. They are a nice example of information noise, btw :-)
* [all ++] *bug IDs hard to read* The leading zeroes in bug IDs should be stripped off, since they make the IDs hard to read. They are a nice example of information noise, btw :-)
Added lines 13-14:
* [all +++] *too many borders and boxes* Pages tend to be really cluttered and noisy - all those (table) borders, mosaics of different cell backgrounds, etc create a lot of visual noise. In the end, these separator elements are countereffective, making information harder to find.
** Suggestion: subdue borders and link underlines where they are functional, remove where not (e.g. main menu, end-page parts of the View Bug page), use simple list-based design instead of tables in View Bug page details part.
Added lines 46-56:
h3. Summary page

Reference screenshots:



* [all ++] *page cluttered* The layout of the page makes it hard to find specific information, since the individual report boxes are just stacked upon each other without any hierarchical ordering.
** Suggestion: Level one improvement: group the boxes into regions "Bug stats", "Reporter/Developer stats", and try to merge boxes that logically hang together (status+severity, resolution+priority, by date + time stats). Level two improvement: split the page into several pages (along the lines of e.g. My Account) leaving only most vital stats (I'd suggest status, category) on the Summary front page.
31 May 2005, 13:13 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 7-13:
h3. General


* [all] *bug IDs hard to read* The leading zeroes in bug IDs should be stripped off, since they make the IDs hard to read. They are a nice example of information noise, btw :-)
** Suggestion: obvious
25 May 2005, 16:30 by PremekBrada -
Added line 32:
Added lines 34-35:
* [all +++] *simple view same as advanced* There is apparently very little difference between the simple and advanced views of a bugreport. Most importantly, these two views do not differ in complexity -- the advanced basically only adds the platform, steps-to-reproduce etc fields. There is no added value in the advanced view report, or - worse - the simple view is not simple.
** Solution: (1) reduce the simple view to basic facts on the bug report only (summary, description, status+priority, assigned to). (2) format it in a simple way, emphasizing summary and status.
25 May 2005, 16:18 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 25-33:
h3. Bug view page

Reference screenshots:

* [[Attach:mantis-18-bugview-simple.png version 0.18 simple]] and [[Attach:mantis-18-bugview-advanced.png advanaced]]
* [[Attach:mantis-19-bugview-simple.png version 0.19 simple]] and [[Attach:mantis-19-bugview-advanced.png advanced]]

25 May 2005, 16:05 by PremekBrada -
Added lines 31-32:
I'll add edited versions of these suggestions to the above list of problems.
25 May 2005, 16:03 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 27-28 from:
h2. Place for your comments
h2. Place for reporting your findings
Added line 29:
You may add your own findings WRT Mantis usability here. Just hit "Edit Page" at the complete bottom of this page, enter any username and the word _edit_ for password, and *please* write only below, not above this text.
25 May 2005, 15:58 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 5 from:
Done on versions 0.18.2 (tweaked, installed on http://jumbo.fav.zcu.cz/mantis/) and 0.19.2 (on http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/services/bugs/). The version of Mantis to which a problem applies, is indicated as [v18], [v19] or [all].
Done on versions 0.18.2 (tweaked, installed on http://jumbo.fav.zcu.cz/mantis/) and 0.19.2 (on http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/services/bugs/). The version of Mantis to which a problem applies, is indicated as [v18], [v19] or [all]; perceived severity of the problem is indicated by + to +++ tag.
Changed lines 17-18 from:
* [v18] *bug summary hard to find*. The most important piece of information for a BT system is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") less important items like category and # of notes.
* [v19 +++] *bug list page overloaded*
* [v18 ++] *bug summary hard to find* The most important piece of information for a BT system is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") less important items like category and # of notes.
Added lines 20-27:
* [all +++] *bug summary not clickable* The most obvious way to click-open a bugreport does not work; instead, obscure bug ID has to be clicked.
** Suggesion: obvious
* [v19 ++] *filter section too complex*
** Suggestion: by default, have only a single line with stored filters dropdown, let the user click-open the whole section on demand only


h2. Place for your comments
Deleted lines 28-30:
* [v19] *bug list page overloaded*.
* [v19] *filter section is too complex*.
** Suggestion: by default, have only a single line with stored filters dropdown, let the user click-open the whole section on demand only
25 May 2005, 15:53 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 17 from:
* [v18] bug summary - the most important piece of information for a BT system - is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") less important items like category and # of notes.
* [v18] *bug summary hard to find*. The most important piece of information for a BT system is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") less important items like category and # of notes.
Changed lines 19-21 from:
* [v19] filter section is too complex.

* [v19] *bug list page overloaded*.
* [v19] *filter section is too complex*.
25 May 2005, 15:42 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 3 from:
A critical review of usability of the "Mantis bug-tracking tool":http://www.mantisbt.org/ , based on my several-year experience and done on versions 0.18.2 (tweaked, installed on http://jumbo.fav.zcu.cz/mantis/) and 0.19.2 (on http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/services/bugs/).
A critical review of usability of the "Mantis bug-tracking tool":http://www.mantisbt.org/ , based on my several-year experience and prompted by the apparent simplicity of "Flyspray":http://flyspray.rocks.cc/bts/ (at least a first-sight simplicity).
Changed line 5 from:
The version of Mantis to which a problem applies, is indicated as [v18], [v19] or [all].
Done on versions 0.18.2 (tweaked, installed on http://jumbo.fav.zcu.cz/mantis/) and 0.19.2 (on http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/services/bugs/). The version of Mantis to which a problem applies, is indicated as [v18], [v19] or [all].
25 May 2005, 15:40 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 5 from:
h3. Bug list page ([[Attach:mantis-18-buglist.png reference screenshot]])
The version of Mantis to which a problem applies, is indicated as [v18], [v19] or [all].
Changed lines 7-20 from:
* bug summary - the most important piece of information for a BT system - is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") less important items like category and # of notes
h3. Bug list page

Reference screenshots:

* [[Attach:mantis-18-buglist.png version 0.18]]
* [[Attach:mantis-19-buglist.png version 0.19]]


* [v18] bug summary - the most important piece of information for a BT system - is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") less important items like category and # of notes.
** Suggestion: order items as follows: TBD
* [v19] filter section is too complex.
** Suggestion: by default, have only a single line with stored filters dropdown, let the user click-open the whole section on demand only
25 May 2005, 15:33 by PremekBrada -
Changed line 5 from:
h3. Bug list page
h3. Bug list page ([[Attach:mantis-18-buglist.png reference screenshot]])
25 May 2005, 15:31 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 3-8 from:
A critical review of usability of the "Mantis bug-tracking tool":http://www.mantisbt.org/ , based on my several-year experience.
A critical review of usability of the "Mantis bug-tracking tool":http://www.mantisbt.org/ , based on my several-year experience and done on versions 0.18.2 (tweaked, installed on http://jumbo.fav.zcu.cz/mantis/) and 0.19.2 (on http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/services/bugs/).

h3. Bug list page

* bug summary - the most important piece of information for a BT system - is not emphasized and is put to the right of (which is most often interpreted as "behind in importance") less important items like category and # of notes
25 May 2005, 15:26 by PremekBrada -
Changed lines 1-6 from:
Describe MantisUsabilityReview here.
h1. Mantis Usability Review

A critical review of usability of the "Mantis bug-tracking tool":http://www.mantisbt.org/ , based on my several-year experience.

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