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PremekBrada / DrupalEvaluation

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Updated 12 July 2005, 12:54 by PremekBrada

PremekBrada.DrupalEvaluation History

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29 October 2004, 14:07 by PremekBrada -
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Describe DrupalEvaluation here.
h1. Evaluation of Drupal

''Back to EvalCMS''

Evaluated version: 4.4.0 (April 2004)

:Size: unzipped 1.1MB, plug-ins yes, criteria coverage: TBD
:Platform: LAMP, non-object PHP, MySQL primarily


* installation -- up and running in cca 10 minutes, incl. solving localisation etc. issues
* taxonomies and menus -- fairly simple and efficient system to create hierarchies on the website
* has revisions of pages and posts
* flexible user + permission management (groups as well, but the module has to patch the core)


* installation -- the db creation script does not count with db prefixing, the @@database.mysql@@ has (for obvious reasons) hard-coded table names and the INSTALL does not warn about this
* localisation -- must manually add a column (!) to a db table to enable new locale... Date formats only American (missing d.m.Y) ... No localisation part in admin interface: how do I create a new locale? Aha, turn "localisation" module on first... hmm...
* templating -- how do I ... ? Would like to create templates for index pages and content pages, but cannot find where/how. Reason: don't want the "Submitted by administrator on 21 April ..." tagline. OK, after 2hrs of peeking around, it's clear that (with the xtemplate themes at least) we can modify the layout of *all* pages in one template file; but having no knowledge of xtemplates, this is a trial-end-error...
* website structuring -- menus based on taxonomies look fine, but it seems impossible to assign a page/story to a subcategory, i.e. so that it does not show in a parent category content (this not that weird requirement: we have <root> -> research/ -> groups/ hierarchy, and some pages belong to groups/ but should not show in research/ (not speaking about the title page...)). the only way is to hack - create flat one-level hierarchy which emulates tree via identifiers, and create one taxonomy term for one page.... summary: this is a blogging system, not a CMS.