OSGiBundleCompatibilityChecking: HomePage

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OSGi Bundle Compatibility Checking - projekt na verifikaci typové kompatibility OSGi komponent a jejich vazeb. Viz oficiální stránky na skupině DSS.

Co víme o součástech OSGi

Mostly with respect to compatibility evaluation, type matching.

How to obtain package and service bindings

Available interfaces and services in OSGi are

org.osgi.framework BundleContext :: getBundles() -> Bundle[] org.osgi.framework.Bundle :: getRegisteredServices() and getServicesInUse() org.osgi.service.packageadmin PackageAdmin :: getExportedPackages(Bundle bundle) -> ExportedPackage[] and getRequiredBundles(java.lang.String symbolicName) -> RequiredBundle[]

Declarative Services Specification (SCR, after Service Component Runtime)

Use of properties for version specification and matching:

Bundle Repository (OBR) -- http://www.osgi.org/Repository/HomePage

Exported features are called "capabilities". Imported ones ("requirements") are actually named filter expressions.

Version spec and matching:

Related resources

OSGi filters use LDAP filter syntax (RFC 4515) and matching rules (RFC 4517, partially explained in OpenDS wiki)


Aside: SCR uses ``event strategy'' for binding services which is in fact dependency injection - the component declares setter and unsetter methods to bind and unbind a reference, these are called by the SCR ie the framework

Patří do KategorieProjekty.

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Content last modified on 10 March 2009, 17:13